After a short and necessary break on reservations, we are re-opening out inquiry form with a few changes to the process and policies.
Reservation Process and $5 calendar deposit
To reserve you will continue to be referred to our website to fill out the event inquiry form. We will also keep our calendar up to date so you can see available dates prior to reserving. After space managers have confirmed that the requested event is possible, you will need to fill out a calendar reservation form and put down a $5 deposit.
Over the past year, we have had a massive interest for using the space and a high volume of requests. However, many inquiries did not follow through or had to be changed. In order to manage our calendar and the overall space, we are asking for a small commitment. If events need to be rescheduled we ask for 2 weeks notice and in these cases the deposit can be transferred to the new date.
Sliding Scale Donations
To cover our basic operating costs we have suggested rates for use of the venue. Our rates are presented in tiers that reflect a sliding scale, a tool for establishing economic justice. In this tiered system, everyone ultimately pays a similar percentage of their individual or organizational income to access the space. This scale is about recognizing the privileges and resources that make resources and spaces like this disproportionately more accessible for groups with higher operating budgets and for individuals with greater wealth. Please see a description of our costs and fundraising plans for 2022 here.
See donation tier break down here.
Good Neighbor Policy
We love the range of events that occur at the space, however, larger evening events (i.e. parties) have the greatest impact on our neighbors. Although The Robinson S.P.A.C.E. is a commercial property, we are located in a residential neighborhood, with people living directly besides us. It’s important to us that we are a welcome and contributing presence in our home community. To address this impact we will be more discerning with this type of requested reservation. We will also ask that the organization requesting to reserve for an event of this nature is aware of our requests (observing the local sound ordinance, managing amplified noise, managing event attendees and preventing disturbances to the neighbors) and committed to respecting our community presence. For larger events that serve alcohol, we will also be asking for a credit card authorization hold.