A place for building just futures in Los Angeles
Our vision is to achieve abolition
OUR MISSION is to create and sustain a third space that provides opportunities for community members to actively participate in building toward a more equitable and transformative Los Angeles. We believe that by meeting people's basic needs and nurturing community, we can shift the culture towards abolition, and ultimately bring about the desired future.
WE BELIEVE THERE IS A future free from SYSTEMIC violence, where everyone's needs are met through an ecosystem of care, eliminating the need for law enforcement and the carceral state.
What is a third space?
A social setting or space that both suspends the hierarchical frameworks historically imposed by formal institutions and establishes new frameworks for shared learning that draws on the motives and experiences of all participants.
A third space is distinct from the home (first space) or work (second space) where the individual can experience a transformative sense of self, identity, and relation to others.